1 Port D-Link MGBIC to 1000BASE-SX MM 870 (DEM-311GT)
Buy the fantastic 1 Port D-Link MGBIC to 1000BASE-SX MM 870 (DEM-311GT) on Matyco! We are networking specialists and have a large selection of high quality products at your disposal.
This D-Link MGBIC media converter offers reliable and fast connectivity for your networking needs. With a data transfer speed of up to 1000Mbps, you will enjoy excellent and stable performance.
- Brand: D-Link
- Model: DEM-311GT
- Compatibility: 1000BASE-SX
Don't miss the opportunity to enhance your network with the 1 Port D-Link MGBIC to 1000BASE-SX MM 870 (DEM-311GT). Buy it now and get reliable, high-quality performance for your networking activities!