Cembre pre-insulated fork terminal 1.5mm2 diameter 5mm Red RF-U5
Buy now the Cembre pre-insulated fork terminal 1.5mm2 diameter 5mm Red RF-U5 on Matyco, the leading online store for the material electric. This high-quality cable lug is perfect for your electrical wiring projects, ensuring a secure and reliable connection.
Made of durable, long-lasting materials, the Cembre spade lug is ideal for applications in industrial environments , commercial and domestic. The bright red color makes it easily identifiable within the wiring, facilitating maintenance and repairs.
The 5mm diameter ensures perfect adaptability to standard cables and connectors, while the 1.5mm2 section guarantees efficient power transmission. With its fork shape, this cable lug guarantees a stable and secure connection even in conditions of vibration or movement.
Don't miss the opportunity to purchase the Cembre pre-insulated fork lug 1.5mm2 diameter 5mm Red RF -U5 on Matyco and ensure a quality product for your electrical projects!