Fixing Accessories
Structures and Mounting Accessories
Structures and Mounting Accessories
Adjustable bracket for STR0003 aluminum photovoltaic tiles
Structures and Mounting Accessories
Contact aluminum corner plate for photovoltaic with 11 mm hole STL4750
Structures and Mounting Accessories
Morsetto universale Contact per fotovoltaico Cornice da 29 a 50 mm KMCU2950
See also
- Video intercoms
- Elicoidale
- Placca 2 Posti
- Placca 3 Posti
- Placca 4 Posti
- Placca 7 Posti
- Deviatore
- Copriforo
- Interruttore Bipolare
- Interruttore
- Invertitore
- Presa Piccola
- Presa Bipasso
- Presa Universale
- Connettore Telefonico
- Pulsante Tirante
- Pulsante Portanome
- Pulsante
- Suoneria 12V
- Suoneria 230V
- Ronzatore 230V
- Supporto 3 moduli
- Supporto 4 moduli
- Supporto 7 moduli
- Scatola Incasso
- Supporto 2 moduli
- Pulsante Doppio
- Contenitore
- Calotta
- Presa Sciuko
- Cronotermostato
- Supporto 6 moduli
- Placca 6 Posti
- Commutatore
- Tapparelle
- Interruttori Magnetotermici
- Differenziali Puri
- Interruttori
- Spie LED
- Presa Schuko
- Strumenti Per Reti Lan
- Rilevatori Gas/Metano
- Telesalvalavita Beghelli
- Portalampada
- Interruttore Magnetotermico
- Regolatore
- Torce Estraibili
- Centrifugo
- Badenie
- Asciugamani Manuali
- Presa Telefonica
- Presa TV
- Presa SAT
- Presa Bivalente
- Comando Basculante
- Placca 1 Posto
- Ronzatore 12V
- Interruttori Differenziali
- Condensatore
- Agitatori
- Rilevatore GAS
- Interruttore Unipolare
- Interruttore Basculante
- Deviatore Basculante
- Alimentatore
- Attuatore
- Presa RJ45
- Derivatori
- Moduli Espansione
- Porta Fusibile
- Magnetotermici Differenziali
- Copritasti
- Spie Segnalazione
- Asciugamani Automatici
- Kit Citofonici
- Telai
- Pulsanti Indipendenti
- Pulsanti Interbloccanti
- Kit Antifurto
- Connettore HDMI
- Attuatore Tapparelle
- Pulsante Tapparelle
- Connettori Dati RJ45
- Interruttore Assiale
- Pulsante Assiale
- Interruttore ad Infrarossi
- Supporti Da Tavolo
- Kit Base Videocitofoni
- Supporto 1 modulo
- Rivelatori
- Scheda Espansione
- Multimetro
- Scambi
- Kit Videocitofoni
- Scheda Interfaccia
- Kit
- Presa Coassiale
- Caricatori E Prese USB
- Staffe
- Suoneria
- Kit Antincendio
- Posti Esterni
- Interruttore con Lente
- Pulsante con Interblocco
- Pulsante Arresto
- Supporto 8 moduli
- Piastre Di Fondo
- Moduli Audio Video
- Sganciatore
- Scalpelli
- Access Point
- Ausiliari
- Valvole Di Zona
- Collettori
- Rubinetti Da Giardino
- Tubi Multistrato
- Controlli Di Isolamento
- Cavo
- Kit Base Citofonici
- Fusibili
- Termostato
- Centralino
- Protezioni Dalle Sovratensioni
- Placca 5 Posti
- Presa USB
- Lampade Infrarossi
- Lampade LED
- Cover
- Comandi Luce
- Prolunghe TV
- Braccialetto Salvalavita
- Scale
- Diffusori
- Portelle
- Alimentatori Per LED
- Flessometro
- Cacciaviti
- Valigie
- Scatole Permutazione
- Cavi Fotovoltaico
- Garden Chairs
- Wired Controls
- Adattatori Di Chiamata
- Bussole Porta Pettini
- Pettini Per Filiere
- Lame Di Ricambio
- Tagliatubo
- Rotelle Di Ricambio
- Stasatrici
- Inserti
- Pompe Prova Pressioni
- Batteria
- Flangiatori
- Kit Gateway
- Battitracce
- Frame Elettrificati
- Modulo Connessioni
- Flessibili
- Sanificatori
- Comandi Radio
- Filtri Gas
- Kit Starter
- Lampade Incandescenza LED
- Polifusori
- Scaricatori
- Chiamate Di Soccorso
- Tubi Flessibili Acqua
- Stabilizzatori
- 18 Posti
- Avvitatore
- Trapani
- Pennarelli Indelebili
- Plafoniere Stagne
- Regolatore Luminosità
- Relè Connessi
- Converter
- Kit Basculanti
- Plafoniere
- Lampade Alogena
- Lampade Ioduri Metallici
- Lampade Fluorescenti
- Gestione Energia
- Prese Corrente
- Comandi Scenari
- Spia Luminosa
- Spie
- Valvole A Gas
- ImbutI Di Scarico
- Nipples
- Valvole Di Spurgo
- Riscaldamento
- KIT Collettori
- Valvola A Saracinesca
- Tubazioni Per Distribuzione Idraulica
- Centrali Allarme Wireless
- MultiTransmitter
- Prese Wireless
- Pulsante Antipanico
- Rilevatori Di Allagamento WiFi
- Tettucci
- Trasmittente Wireless
- Armadio
- Adattatore
- Dischi
- Elettroserrature e Scheda
- Kit Cancelli
- Olio Idraulico
- Coste Di Sicurezza
- Serrature Sblocco
- Supporti Da Parete
- Amplificatori e Ripetitori
- Cielo Stellato
- KIT Lampade
- Lampade Emergenza Bandiera
- Lampade Lineari
- Lampade Per Uso Forno
- Lampade Per Macchine Da Cucire
- Lampade Di Ricambio
- Plafoniere Tartarughe
- Trasformatori Di Sicurezza
- Trasformatori Elettromeccanici
- Prese Caucciù
- Sali Di Terra
- Schiuma
- 250VAC
- Aquatest
- Canotti
- Controllo Pompe
- Incasso Doccia
- Corrimano Doccia
- Gomiti
- Inverter Per Elettropompe
- Motori Sommersi
- Tubi Flessibili Gas
- Barriera D'Aria
- Deumidificatore Portatile
- Monosplit
- Dualsplit
- Portatile
- Senza unità esterna
- Trialsplit
- Canalizzati
- Console
- Pavimento e Soffitto
- Quadrisplit
- Pentasplit
- Pompa di calore
- Interruttori a chiave
- Presa RJ11
- Comando tapparelle
- Comando Universale
- Pulsante Unipolare
- Invertitore unipolare
- Tavolette WC
- Accessori Sifone
- Led Di Segnalazione
- Quadri di comando
- Pompe idrauliche
- Calibratori Tubi
- Pompe Disostruenti
- Barre per nipples
- Chiavi Per Radiatori
- Chiavi Esagonali
- Chiavi Per Pilette
- trasformatori toroidali
- Pennarelli
- cancelli
- Falso Polo
- Videotelecamere Intelligenti
- Supporto 14 Moduli
- Pulsante per campanello
- Connettore
- Zaini e Borse
- Cassette Portautensili
- Pompe Solari Di Riempimento
- Meter
- Cavi T2
- Antigelo
- Vaso a pavimento
- Lavabo
- Bidet
- Comando Domotico
- Ki Bagno Completo
- Box Doccia
- Lampada a Sospensione
- Lampada da Terra
- Kit Tapparelle Connesse
- Kit luci connesse
- Kit Casa Connesso
- Kit controllo accessi
- Kit antifurti
- Kit Magnetotermici differenziali
- Kit Riceventi
- Monosplit con KIT
- Kit Magnetotermici
- Kit inverter con batterie
- Kit Differenziali Puri
- Kit Centralini
- Schede di programmazione
- Porta in Vetro
- Power supplies
- Central
- Sleeves
- Clothes hangers
- Dispensers
- Towel holder stands
- Roll holder stands
- Towel holder
- Toilet brush holder
- Roll holder
- Soap holder
- Toothbrush holders
- Industrial Cappelloni reflectors
- Shower seats
- Wire Pulling Probes
- Makeup organizer
- Bathroom accessories set
- Corrugated pipes
- Clamps
- Platelets
- Accessories
- Frames
- Handrails
- Ceiling and wall spotlights
- Spotlights
- Cable ties
- Flat
- Joints
- Table lamps
- Handles
- Track projectors
- LED projectors
- Adjustable projectors
- Pipe coatings
- Stools
- Decorative radiators
- Camera cables
- Shelves
- Hairdryer holder
- Shower caddy
- Aluminum cables
- Adapters
- Armours
- FG16OH2R16
- Washbasin shelves
- Rack frameworks
- LED strip
- Wardrobes
- Picket Lamps
- Solar LED floodlights
- Construction site floodlights
- Projectors
- Fire cables
- FG16OH2M
- Cable glands
- Centrifugal aspirators
- Helical aspirators
- Grills
- Heat recuperators
- Plug-in exhaust bends
- Barrels
- Plug-in increase cups
- Plug-in drain slings
- Curves
- Flanges
- Once you reach Sella
- Rubber joints
- Seals
- Fixing kit
- Wells
- Extensions
- Eccentric fittings
- Separators, dirt separators and filters
- Plug-in exhaust pipes
- Butterfly valves
- Non-return valves
- Cable lugs
- Flexible shower hoses
- Spiral sheaths
- Sealing kit
- Water heater fixing kit
- Drill bits
- Fittings
- Hose fittings
- Under-basin fittings
- Copper rolls
- Tiles
- Copper tubes
- Under-basin pipes
- Heat shrink tubing
- Push-in connection fittings
- Rosettes
- Toroidal Transformers
- Bottoms
- Collars
- Copper air conditioning pipes
- Tap balls
- Florence plug-in siphons
- Nuts and gaskets
- Heating copper pipes
- Screws
- Overtake
- Condensate drain pumps
- Siphons
- Snap clips
- Pipe fixing clip
- Press fittings for water
- Caps
- Multilayer pipes
- Condensate pipes
- Rings
- Reductions
- Nuts and washers
- Cable glands
- Gas Pipes
- Pipes
- Water outlet
- Cartridges
- Exhaust pipes
- Flexible hoses
- TV/SAT cables
- Balls for toilet drains
- Plugs for drains
- Showers
- Drains
- Fireplace extractors
- Thermostatic mixers
- Cannotti
- Rubber clamps
- Nails
- Medium voltage fuses
- Anti-vibration joints
- Flow valves
- Rosettes
- Electronic systems for urinals
- Matrices
- Gates Motors
- Garage motors
- Motors for Shutters
- Forms
- Inverter
- Light modules
- Remote controls
- Shutter modules
- Wall
- Igniters
- Couplers
- Accumulators
- Built-in
- Multilayer adapters
- Adapters for copper pipes
- Additives
- Water softeners
- Faucet aerators
- Ferromagnetic power supplies
- Speakers
- Ammeters
- Amplifiers
- Combustion analyzers
- Network analyzers
- Angles
- Antennas
- GSM/UMTS/LTe antennas
- Anti-limescale
- Outdoor wall lightNo
- Wardrobes_x000D_ Paintings
- Hairdryer
- Towels
- Aspirators
- Actuators
- Membrane autoclaves
- Screwdrivers
- Proximity badge
- Strips
- Bars
- Power bars
- Threaded rods
- Barriers
- Air Barriers
- Photoelectric barriers
- Road barriers
- Fixing bases
- Microphone bases
- Batteries
- Lead acid batteries
- Storage batteries
- Refrigerant scales
- Magnetic tracks
- Differential Blocks
- Power block
- Fake block
- Coils
- Refrigerant gas cylinders
- Battery box
- Box for DVR/NVR
- Shower Arms
- Trousers
- Buzzers
- Boilers
- Calibrators
- Caps
- Walkable step markers
- Walkable
- Blouses
- Bells
- Shower drain channels
- Hemp
- Battery charger
- Indicator signs
- Armored boxes
- Collector boxes
- Cassettes for gas meters
- Unloading cassettes
- Boxes
- Reflectors
- Cables
- Anti-intrusion cables
- BUS cables
- Coaxial cables
- Network cables
- HDMI cables
- Grounding cables
- Patchcord cables
- Flat cables
- Sound cables
- UTP cables
- Command centres
- Control units
- Gas control units
- Switchboards
- Telephone switchboards
- Concierge switchboard
- Phase finder
- Gas leak detector
- Leak detector
- Shears
- Keys
- Fork wrenches
- Roller wrenchesNo
- Combination wrenches
- Torque wrenches
- Keys for aerators
- Cabinet keys
- Nailers
- Circulators
- Intercoms
- Glue
- Modular and modular manifolds
- Shower Column
- Shower Column Series
- Small columns
- Combinators
- Switches
- With Command Symbols
- Capacitors
- Configurators
- Connectors
- Pulse counter
- Energy meters
- Water Meters
- Gas meters
- Contacts
- Auxiliary Contacts
- Wireless Contacts
- Contactors
- Containers
- Locknuts
- Engine control
- Voltage control
- Logic controller
- Internal doors
- Signal converters
- IP converters
- Lids
- Built-in mixer bodies
- Racks
- Crepuscular
- Crimpers
- Chronothermostats
- Pipe bender
- Cases
- Wireless datalogger
- Defamers
- Diverters
- Diffusers and poles
- Sound speakers
- Dimmer
- Deaerators
- Abrasive Discs
- Cutting discs
- Emergency Disks
- Descaling
- Unclogging
- Coupling devices
- Protection devices
- Distributors
- Video Distributors
- Dividers
- Dispensers
- Thermostatic elements
- Electrical sleeves
- Centrifugal electric pumps
- Submersible electric pumps
- Electric locks and cards
- Solenoid valves
- Emergency
- Network extensions
- Labelers
- Labels
- Extenders
- Adhesive bands
- Faston
- Door stops
- Threading machines
- Water Filters
- Line filters
- Gas filters
- Limit switch
- Limit switchesAAmpere
- Pipe flanging
- Hoses for boilers
- Measuring tapes
- Flow switches
- Scissors
- Photocells
- Cutters
- Connected Functions
- Hotel functions
- Standard functions
- Fuses (Diazed/Neozed)
- Cylinder fuses
- Knife fuses
- Floats
- Jaws
- Welding gas
- Gateways
- Generators
- Ozone generatorsNo
- Vest
- Pipe wrenches
- Screwdrivers
- Smoke exhaust grills
- UPS uninterruptible power supplies
- Filling groups
- Gloves
- Din Guides
- Hard Disk
- Hydrobox
- Sanitizers
- Illuminators
- LED incandescence
- Phase indicators
- Inserters
- Interlocks
- Interfaces
- IP interfaces
- Telephone Interfaces
- WiFi interfaces
- Foot switches
- Auxiliary switches
- Time switches
- Rotary switches
- Molded Case Switches
- Metal halide
- Insulators
- Joysticks
- Lighting kit
- Basic tap kit
- Complete kits
- Pipe freezing kit
- Frame kits
- Repair kit
- Emergency kit
- Hydrobox kit
- Bulb Kit
- Assembly KIT
- Boiler saver kit
- Kit of shower heads and hand showers
- Tool Kit
- Video surveillance kit
- Screw Kit
- Suspension chandeliers
- Lamps
- Wall lamps
- Spike Lamps Solar Street Lights
- Picture lamps
- Floor lamps Floor lamps
- Emergency lamps
- Portable lamps
- Replacement bulbs
- Flashers
- Lampposts and Globes
- Solar street lights
- Window cleaner
- LEDs
- Badge readers
- Proximity readers
- Sanders
- Radiator fluid
- Laser level
- Levels
- Lubricants
- Lux meters
- Handles
- Pressure gauges
- Hammers
- Hexagonal Matrices
- Memory cards
- Shelves for radiators
- Laser meter
- Microswitches
- MiniCameras
- Bidet mixers
- Kitchen mixers
- Shower Mixers Bath Mixers
- Shower mixers
- Electronic mixers
- Washbasin mixers
- Bathtub mixers
- Mixers
- Meters
- GSM modems
- Modulators
- Built-in modules
- Call forms
- Power modules
- Connection modules
- Control modules
- Expansion modules
- Interface modules
- Boxed differential modules
- Digital forms
- Indexed Forms
- Analog input modules
- Digital input modules
- Light modules
- Hospital forms
- Radio modules
- Switch modules
- Analog output modules
- Digital output modules
- Pipe bending springs
- Multipliers
- Monitors
- Energy Monitoring
- Inverter monitoring
- Terminal blocks
- Motors for Shutters
- Gearmotors
- Multimeters
- Multi-sockets
- Multiple sockets with UPS
- Multiswitch
- Aluminum adhesive tapes
- Teflon tapes
- Insulating tapes
- Pipe blocking tape
- Condensate neutralizers
- Nipples
- Cutting oils
- Hydraulic oils
- Car oils
- Shutters
- Panels
- LED panels
- Control panels
- Patch panels
- Solar panels
- Trousers
- Parables
- Dividers
- Quickpass
- Green pasta
- Abrasive pastes
- Combs
- Plates
- Actuation plates Drain buttons
- Drive plates_x000D_ Drain buttons
- Drive plates_x000D_ Spare parts and accessories
- Drive plates
- Foundation plates
- Shower plates and levers
- Pliers
- Current clamps
- Guns
- Watertight plates
- Plaques
- Ceiling lights Ceiling
- Undercabinet ceiling lights
- Waterproof LED ceiling lights
- Empty waterproof ceiling lights
- PoE Access points
- PoE Network Switch
- Vacuum pumps
- Unblocking pumps
- Descaling pumps
- Wastewater pumps
- Gray water pumps
- Testing pumps
- Submersible Pumps
- Label holder
- Lamp holder
- Tool holder
- Fuse holder
- Doors
- Glass doors
- Potentiometers
- Replacement wells
- Taken
- EEC sockets
- DIN sockets
- Sockets and plugs
- Interlocked sockets
- Smart sockets
- TV sockets
- Flying Sockets
- Pressing machines
- Pressure switches
- Water pressurization
- Sound projectors
- Protective for heating systems
- Line protections
- Buttons
- Mushroom buttons
- Drain buttons
- Button panels
- Button panels/entrance panels
- Tips
- Paintings
- Construction site paintings
- Distribution panels
- 3 piece fittings
- Union fittings
- Compression fittings for multilayer
- Electromechanical reactors
- Electronic ballasts
- Reactors for SAP/Jm
- LED strips
- Level regulators
- Pressure regulators
- Speed regulators
- Water jet regulators
- Relay
- Pulse relay
- Twilight relays
- Phase control relay
- Control relay
- Protection relay
- Safety relay
- Overload relay
- Differential relays
- Industrial relays
- Multifunction relay
- OPTA Logic relay
- Step by step relay
- Relays for printed circuits
- Closing resistors
- Resistors for water heaters
- Spare parts
- Spare parts and accessories
- Electric Vehicle Charging
- Polyphosphate refills
- Transceivers
- Receivers
- Receivers
- Sanitary recirculations
- Pressure reducers
- Spotlights
- Detectors
- Fire Detectors
- Leak detectors
- Voltage detectors
- Gas Detectors
- Wireless detectors
- Distributors
- Repeaters
- Call repeaters
- Fixed shelf
- Riveters
- Routers
- Taps
- Float taps
- Pedal taps
- Ball cocks
- Screw taps
- Taps for waste cistern
- Valve press cocks
- Welders
- Shower latch
- Engine savers
- Sanitizers for air conditioners
- Shutters
- Droolers
- Water heaters
- Grooving machines
- Shoes
- Boxes 503/504
- Built-in boxes
- Condensate drain boxes
- Cans
- Decoding Cards
- Entrance cards
- Electronic boards
- Expansion cards
- Interface tabs
- RFID cards
- Receiving Cards
- Foams
- Pot seats
- Saws
- Hacksaws
- Acoustic indicators
- Report
- Path markers
- Selectors
- Key selectors
- Short lever selectors
- Sensors
- Monitoring sensors
- Sensors Detectors
- Separators
- Multipurpose tanks
- Locks
- Set for Nitrogen
- Handle disconnectors
- Wall disconnectors
- Disconnectors
- Releasers
- Cable stripper
- Sealants
- Silicones
- Sirens
- Wireless sirens
- Embedded systems
- Fog systems
- Grinders
- Shower heads
- Soft Starter
- Water lifting
- Temperature probes
- Drain plunger probes
- Outdoor suspensions
- Insoles
- Wire strippers
- Thorns
- CEE plugs
- RC plugs
- TV plugs
- Flying Thorns
- Digital peepholes
- Outdoor spot
- Unblocking Sprays
- Branch brackets
- Brackets for air conditioners
- Cable holder brackets
- Multifunctional Tools
- Infrared heaters
- Ringtones
- Additional ringtones
- Supports
- Gas cylinder supports
- Sanitary supports
- TV stands
- Network switches
- Herb cutter
- Cable cutter
- Pipe cutter
- Well caps
- Siphon caps
- System test caps
- Optical plates
- Hammerers
- Tiles_x000D_ Screws
- Keyboards
- Wireless Keyboards
- Chassis
- Detector cameras
- Bullet cameras
- Desktop cameras
- Dome cameras
- Special cameras
- Telephones
- Air conditioner sheets
- Timers
- Windshield wipers
- Window squeegees
- Terminals
- Input terminals
- Thermal imaging cameras
- Convector heaters
- Thermomanometers
- Thermometers
- Digital thermoregulators
- Thermostats
- Fan heaters
- Heads for indicators
- Probe Heads
- LAN Network Tester
- Heads
- Roofs
- Torches
- Toroids
- Turrets
- Line stripers
- Percussion drills
- Screwdriver Drills
- Transformers
- Isolation transformers
- Electronic transformers
- Modular Transformers
- Complete bathroom shredders
- Toilet shredders
- Shredders for toilets and sinks
- Trumpets
- Nippers
- Piping
- Pre-insulated tubes
- Heat shrink tubes
- Flexible hoses for household appliances
- Pipes for methane
- Central units
- Central CPU units
- CPU unit
- Basic unit
- Control unit
- Derivation unit
- Shutdown Management Unit
- Power factor correction unit
- Unit of responses
- Digital input/output unit
- Monobloc units
- Vacuum gauges
- Ball valves
- Loading valves
- Shut-off valves
- Check valvesNo
- Exhaust valves
- Relief valves
- Security valves
- Thermostatic valves
- Sodium vapour
- Electronic Variators
- Expansion vessels
- Fans
- Fan-Coil fan coils
- Fans
- Video cameras for siphons and showers
- Video recorders
- Headwork for taps
- Voltmeters
- Hooves