Curve C is able to tolerate short-time overcurrents of up to five to ten times the rated current and is widely used in domestic systems. A circuit breaker is a safety device capable of automatically interrupting (i.e. without external intervention) the flow of electric current in an electrical circuit in the event of an overcurrent. Characteristics: Siemens series Voltage 400 Vac Current In 10A Breaking capacity Icn 6kA Tripping curve C 3 modules Poles 3P Protection degree IP20, with wires connected Height 90 mm Width 54 mm Depth 76 mm Recessed depth 70 mm Net weight 335 g Suitability for use Residential construction / Infrastructure
Discover the Siemens 3P 10A 6kA type C magnetothermal switch 3 modules 5SL63107BB
Siemens magnetothermal switch, 3 modules, DIN connection (universal for any switchboard on the market), 3P poles, 10 amps, breaking capacity 6kA, voltage 400 Vac, curve C.
Buy online your Siemens 3P 10A 6kA type C magneto-thermal switch 3 modules 5SL63107BB, a product with exceptional performance!
Buy it now and receive it between tomorrow and 12/17/24 with GLS Italia
Description Siemens 3P 10A 6kA type C circuit breaker 3 modules 5SL63107BB
Product Details
- Amperes
- 10a
- Candies
- 6KaProtezioni Circuiti
- Poly
- 3P
- Typology
- Interruttori Magnetotermici
- Voltage
- 400VAC
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